Podium Presentation: Use the CAUTI project attachment to base presentation off.
This three minute podium presentation is an oral report of your evidence-based Quality Improvement Project delivered in a verbally engaging way. It must be academically sound and cover pertinent information. Academic presentations aim to describe the context, background, significance, theory, methods, and results of a work effort.
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Presentation Design
Developed by The University of Queensland, 3MT® challenges students to deliver a captivating presentation of their work (research or project) in only three minutes. The goal is to inform the audience, using non-technical language, of the core aims, value(s) and significance of the project.
• 3MT® is a structured process that requires presenters to synthesize their experience, analyze project processes and findings, and distill important information into a meaningful, concise and memorable presentation.
• 3MT® – “is not an exercise in trivializing or ‘dumbing-down’ information but forces students to consolidate their ideas and crystallize their findings.”
3MT® presentation rules:
1. Presentations are limited to 3 minutes and delivered by spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps or songs).
2. Presentations must be augmented with 1 PowerPoint slide that may contain text and visuals.
3. The single slide must be used from the start to the finish of the presentation. One thing utilize is the poster presentation template on powerpoint. This will make easier to format.
• No animations, slide transitions or any type of “movement” can be applied.
• No electronic media (e.g. sound or video files) are permitted.
3. No props (e.g. costumes, instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
Part 3: Presenter-Guided Question & Answer Session
This part of the presentation provides the speaker with an opportunity to connect even more deeply with the audience. Guiding audience participation is a skill that is useful in any leadership situation, but is critical when communicating research/project information or generating active engagement and/or connection to your work.
All students are expected to ask questions and/or comment on multiple presentations in this question and answer segment to demonstrate engagement and support.
Presentation Tips
Begin by creating your story. Questions to consider include:
1. What is the most important message I want to cover?
2. What story might capture the audience’s attention?
3. What slide (picture) will best reflect the meaning of the project?
4. How can I describe the meaning of the project most effectively?
5. How can the information be best organized? How do I want to conclude the presentation?
• Start with a compelling introduction: Capture the audience attention and set the tone for the remainder of the presentation. A powerful introduction is more than simple theatrics. It requires thoughtful consideration.
• Choose your PowerPoint Slide carefully: “A picture is worth 1000 words!” Refine your messages/content from your poster to make this an impactful and illustrative slide.
• Plan your Q & A session: The presenter has the responsibility to control the flow and participation and flow of this session. Remember this interactive period can provide you with additional time to disseminate or expand on ideas not covered in the presentation – but conversely, you want to engage others in meaningful discussion. Prepare 2-3 questions you want the audience to address if the conversation fades. The secret to a robust Q & A interchange is preparation.
You will want to reflect on your project using Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” in order to share ‘the why’ of your project, something your audience will want to know first. Another resource is Matt Helmke’s YouTube summary of Garr Reynold’s book: Presentation Zen, Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery.
– you can have a card for notes if wanted.